Chapter 6: Stability
This chapter is a must for all parents who need to understand why their children can seem so out of control at times and what they should be doing in such a situation. Explained in depth is the undercurrent that is always present in a child’s life. Security issues start the day a child is born and as such are cross referenced to those relevant chapters discussing infancy. However, the “out of control” child is in desperate need, a need that frequently goes unrecognized by his parent. Why these out of control behaviors have a tendency to get worse or “escalate” is explored.
Once a parent has the understanding of what is really at stake with regards to this behavior, the guidance is give to assume a very strong – take charge – attitude. Parents are told straight and boldly that their children need them to be strong like a rock, as that is truly the essence of the matter. They, the parents, are the foundation to which their children cling. Being able to “push” your parent around means you have no firm foundation, subconsciously this is very devastating and a child will attempt to force a parent to take back control though increasingly worse behavior, in an effort to prove to himself that his parents can keep him safe.